A greenhouse for new ideas

Evonik has its own incubator for innovation: Creavis in Marl. Here 140 employees develop products and technologies for the world of tomorrow.

Their research areas extend beyond the boundaries of chemistry and range from nutrition to medical technology and alternative methods of power generation.

In its work, the Creavis team focuses on medium-term and long-term innovation projects that support the Group’s growth and sustainability strategy and open up new business options. “We think our way into the future on Evonik’s behalf,” says Stefan Buchholz, the Managing Director of this strategic innovation unit.

"Research and development are fixed components of Evonik’s DNA. And Creavis is our connection with the future. This is where we do the research that will make Evonik one of the world’s most innovative companies in the future as well."

Dr. Harald Schwager, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board

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