

Water management

We are committed to responsible use of water and save water wherever possible. We achieve a further reduction in our emissions into water. A good water supply is crucial for smooth production processes because water is one of the most important auxiliaries used in the chemical industry.

Evonik mainly uses water for cooling and for process purposes in production facilities, to generate steam in power plants, and for sanitary requirements. To reduce the use of freshwater, we have established integrated supply systems with graduated water qualities. For example, we use water that is no longer suitable for cooling purposes to rinse filters or in industrial cleaning processes. In addition, the water that evaporates from cooling circuits is often replaced by condensate or recycled drinking water.

Emissions into water

Our sites aim to make a contribution to protecting natural water resources. The basic principles of the management of our industrial wastewater are the same as for waste management: “avoidance before reuse/recycling before disposal.” When planning new production plants, we therefore consider the use of processes that generate little or no wastewater. That takes pressure off the environment and reduces the cost of water treatment. We continue these efforts in the operational phase. We also have established high technology standards and infrastructure for the disposal of wastewater at our sites.