

Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Quality education is one of the most important keys to breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. Education helps to eliminate inequalities and create gender equality. At the same time, quality education supports the achievement of the other SDGs.
The respective state is responsible for the implementation of the human right to education. Companies can support the state in this, for example by enabling vocational education and training and developing teaching materials to attract well-trained junior staff.

Beispiele für unseren Beitrag

  • Evonik trained more than 1,660 young people in Germany in 2023. At 6 percent, our training rate was still above the German average of around 4.7 percent.


  • The training takes place at 15 locations in 36 recognised professions.


  • Evonik relies on well-trained employees as a competitive success factor and has a global learning strategy that is geared to future business requirements. We measure the success of the implementation of our learning strategy by the number of active learners, their average learning time and the total number of registered learners on the LILY and FutureZone learning platforms.


  • At the beginning of 2023, Evonik launched the digital learning library LinkedIn Learning with over 20,000 courses in various languages for all employees. The offerings range from business-specific software and project management to career and leadership tips.


  • For more than 20 years, the "Start in den Beruf" project has proven its worth in preparing young people for training. In the 2022/2023 project year, we offered 15 additional places, enabling a total of 65 young people who were not yet able to train to participate.