
sdg 10

Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries.


There are still inequalities in every country based on income, gender, age, origin, religion and inequality of opportunity. This applies both within and between states. These inequalities hinder social and economic progress in the long run.

Examples of our contribution

Under the heading "Equal Opportunities and Diversity," the Evonik Global Social Policy states: "We demand equal opportunities and equal treatment for each of our employees, regardless of ethnic origin, skin color, gender, age, disability, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, social origin, or political opinion..."

In the "Wages and Benefits" section, Evonik is committed to fair wages: "We pay compensation and provide benefits that at least meet the respective minimum legal standards or the minimum standards of the respective national economic sectors with regard to an adequate livelihood.

  • If unequal treatment or violations of the principle of equal opportunities occur within the company, every employee can report them via the web-based anonymous whistleblower system.


  • Our HR instruments are anchored in a way that is in line with the market and performance. Compensation is based on objective criteria such as responsibility, competencies and success. Personal characteristics such as gender or age do not play a role.


  • In order to maintain the accustomed standard of living in old age, Evonik offers various options for company pension schemes, some of which are financed by employers.


  • In 2023, the global gender pay gap – i.e. the average basic pay of female employees in relation to the basic pay of male employees – was -6.6 percent. We show the overall difference between the average full-time base pay of all female employees worldwide and that of male employees. In Germany, for example, where about 60 percent of Evonik's workforce is employed, the gender pay gap is -1.7 percent.