
Work that matches to your life

Different phase in people's life bring different challanges, also in the job. Evonik supports its employees to find the right work arrangements.

There are phases in people’s lives when they devote themselves to a job. And there are also phases when they need time for other things: children, volunteering activities, parents that require care, or simply time for themselves. These different phases of life can be matched up with a variety of work arrangements. Employees who reduce their working time don’t have to give up their careers, challenging projects or areas of responsibility. Evonik supports its employees in harmonizing their professional and private responsibilities. The Group offers a wide range of part-time and home-office models and promotes job sharing on its PAIRfect internal platform at every level of the hierarchy. It also offers support for childcare and care for close relatives, for example by operating its own childcare centers, offering financial support for childcare, providing vacation programs, and offering care seminars and time off from work beyond the legal requirements. Because of these family-friendly human resources policies, Evonik has already received the “berufundfamilie” (career and family) certificate four times.

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